CfP: Travelling to the East. Marco Polo and the Mendicant Friars

A conference “Travelling to the East. Marco Polo and the Mendicant Friars” will be held on Friday 25 – Saturday 26 October 2024 ( Istituto di Studi Ecumenici “San Bernardino”, Biblioteca monumentale, Sestiere Castello 2786 – 30122 Venezia).

The Conference Scientific Committee is inviting proposals for the conference.

Subjects of specific interest for the thematic sections:
– Dominican manuscripts and scriptoria between Venice, Padua and Constantinople, locations of
Dominican Studiorum
– Mendicant Friars Narrators, between chronicle and apologetics
– Travel narratives and geographical knowledge at the end of the Middle Ages
– The reception and diffusion of travel texts from antiquity, in the medieval period, between fiction
and reality
– Travel and otherness: encounter-clash between cultures and religious traditions
– Between West and East: exchanges and identity claims among Christian communities in constant
– Marco Polo’s Iconographies
– The depiction of the Mendicant Friars and the mediated image of the East
– Oriental souvenirs: trade between Europe and the Far East (the role of the missions)

Scholars and young academics are invited to send, by 7 April 2024, the title of their contribution and an abstract of at least 1500 characters, with a short CV to the following email
address: Proposals in Italian, English and French are accepted.

The Scientific Committee reserves the right to allocate some of the contribution proposals directly to the collection of proceedings to be published by the Institutum Historicum Ordinis Praedicatorum.

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