The critical edition of the Legendarium of Petrus Calo

The Legendarium of Petrus Calo († 1348) constituted, so to speak, the pinnacle of the hagiographic activity of the Order of Preachers intended for a wider audience than that of the Dominican friars. It is not by chance that using Calo’s Legendarium as basis, Petrus de Natalibus († 1406) compiled his own Catalogus Sanctorum, whichRead more about The critical edition of the Legendarium of Petrus Calo[…]

The World in Black and White? Michael Browne OP as Master of the Order (1955-1962)

The Philosophical-Theological Training and Academic Activity of the Friars Preachers in Vienna in the 17th–18th Centuries

Inventory of sources on the history of the Dominicans in German-speaking territories preserved in the General Archives of the Order of Preachers in Rome