We are pleased to announce a new publication on St. Dominic: Domenico di Caleruega alle origini dell’Ordine dei Predicatori. Le fonti del secolo XIII. Edited by Gianni Festa, Agostino Paravicini Bagliani and Francesco Santi (Millenio medievale 121, Testi 33), Firenze 2021.
One of the editors, Brother Gianni Festa OP, is the former Postulator General of the Order and current Regent of Studies of the Province of St. Dominic in Italy, and a member of the Historical Institute of the Order of Preachers.
This volume includes, for the first time, all the Latin texts documenting the first century of the life of the Order of Preachers, with a critical textual introduction, historical commentary, and Italian translation. In particular, the reader will find the Litterae sancti Dominici (edited by Elio Montanari); Giordano di Sassonia’s Libellus de initio Ordinis Praedicatorum (edited by Elio Montanari, in a new critical text); the Litterae enclyclicae and the Oratio ad beatum Dominicum (edited by Elio Montanari); the Acta canonizationis sancti Dominici (edited by Alessandra Bartolomei Romagnoli); Gregory IX’s bull Fons sapientiae (edited by Agostino Paravicini Bagliani); the Legendae by Pietro Ferrandi, Costantino d’Orvieto, and Umberto de Romanis (edited by Giovanni Paolo Maggioni); the Libellus de vita et obitu et miraculis sancti Dominici et de Ordine quem instituit by Teoderico di Apolda (edited by Silvia Nocentini); the Miracula beati Dominici by Cecilia (edited by Antonella Degl’Innocenti); the De modo orandi corporaliter sancti Dominici (edited by Gianni Festa and Francesco Santi, published with its iconographic set). Indexes of manuscripts, authors and anonymous works, biblical quotations, and scholars accompany the volume. It is intended to be a working tool as well as a reference for understanding the profound meaning of the Dominican Order in its nascent phase: key figures in the culture of the thirteenth century belonged to it (such as Albert the Great, Raymond de Penyafort, Thomas Aquinas, William of Moerbeke, Iacopo da Varazze, Meister Eckhart), decisively marking the European identity and its dynamics.