fr. Gabriel Peter Hunčaga OP, member and councilor of the Institute.
He is a Dominican friar of the Slovak province. He is a medievalist, and his research focuses particularly on the history of medieval religious movements. He is co-founder and member of the Board of Administration of the Centre for Study of Christianity, vice-president of the Slovak committee of CIHEC (Commission Internationale d’Histoire et d’Etudes du Christianisme), member of the Historical Commission of the Slovak Bishops’ Conference and member of the Slovak Association of History at the Slovak Academy of Sciences.
Academic qualifications
2012 – PhD in History (Comenius University, Bratislava)
2008 – Doctor of Philosophy (PhDr.) in Slovak History (Matej Bel University, Banská Bystrica)
2004 – Master in Catholic Theology (Catholic University of Ružomberok, Faculty of Theology in Košice)
1996 – Master in History and Museology (Silesian University, Opava)
Research scholarships
2017 – Historical Institute of the Order of Preachers, Rome
2000/2001 – Faculty of Catholic Theology, University of Vienna
Teaching activities
Since 2015 – Lecturer in history (Medieval orthodoxy and heterodoxy), Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Arts
2013-2017 – Lecturer in history, Catholic University in Ružomberok
2011-2013 – Lecturer in history, Trnava University, Faculty of Theology in Bratislava
Publications (selection):
Historické štúdie k dejinám dominikánov [Historical Studies on the History of the Dominicans], Chronos : Bratislava 2008, 185 p.
Dominikáni na ceste k intelektuálnym elitám vrcholného stredoveku [The Dominicans on their Way to the intellectual Elites of the High Middle Ages], Towarzystwo Słowaków w Polsce; Chronos : Kraków; Bratislava, 2013, 460 p.
Žobravé rehole a stredoveké mestá. Pôsobenie mendikantov v stredovekom urbánnom prostredí [Mendicant Orders and Medieval Cities. The Activity of Mendicants in Medieval Urban Environment](co-author: Miroslav Huťka), Verbum : Ružomberok 2022, 331 p.
Činnosť dominikánov v Strednej a Južnej Amerike v 16. storočí [Dominican Activities in Central and South America in the 16th century]. In: Pohanstvo a kresťanstvo, ed. Kožiak, R. – Nemeš, J., Bratislava, Chronos 2004, pp. 257-274.
Študijné cesty európskych dominikánov v stredoveku [Study Tours of European Dominicans in the Middle Ages]. In: Colloquia medievalia Pragensia 3, Historia monastica I., CMS AV ČR, Praha 2005, pp. 267-276.
Kanonizačný proces ako počiatok kultu zakladateľa rehole v stredoveku na príklade kanonizačných aktov sv. Dominika [The Process of Canonisation as the Origin of the Cult of an Order’s Founder in the Middle Ages, illustrated with the Example of the Canonisation’s Acts of St. Dominic]. In: Svätec a jeho funkcie v spoločnosti I, ed. Rastislav Kožiak – Jaroslav Nemeš. Bratislava: Chronos, 2006, pp. 275-296.
Les livres, les bibliothèques et les dominicains aux XIIIe et XIVe siècles. In: Mémoire Dominicaine – Histoire, Documents, Vie dominicaine, 2011, n. 27, Paris : Cerf, pp. 69-99.
Humbert z Romans OP: Výklad reguly sv. Augustína [Humbert of Romans OP: Commentary on the Rule of Saint Augustine]. In: Kultúrne dejiny, 4/2 (2012), pp. 260-288.
Tri kazateľské pomôcky Humberta z Romans OP – príklady homiletickej literatúry dominikánov 13. storočia [Three Preaching Aids of Humbert of Romans OP – Examples of Homiletic Literature of the Dominicans of the 13th century]. In: Kniha 2015. Zborník o problémoch a dejinách knižnej kultúry – Výskum dejín knižnej kultúry na Slovensku a v stredoeurópskom priestore. Ed. Soláriková, Miroslava. Martin : SNK, 2015, pp. 7-28.
Náčrt vzdelávania a formácie sekulárneho duchovenstva od včasného stredoveku až do seminárnej legislatívy Tridentského koncilu [Outline of the History of Education and Formation of Secular Clergy from the Early Middle Ages to seminary Legislation of the Council of Trent]. In: Znaky časov vo svetle výročí I. Zborník prednášok z vedeckej konferencie pri príležitosti 200. výročia Spišského kňazského seminára konanej v Spišskom podhradí 27. novembra 2015. Spišské Podhradie : TF KU, 2017, pp. 24-73.
Religious History as a “New” History in Post-Communist Historiography. In: Penser l’histoire religieuse au XXIe siècle / Thinking about Religious History in the 21st Century, sous la direction d’Yves Krumenacker et Raymond A. Mentzer (Chrétiens et Sociétés. Documents et Mémoires n° 42), Lyon 2020, pp. 31-41.
Svätý Dominik ako atribút kolektívnej identity v obrazových rodokmeňoch dominikánov v 15. storočí [Saint Dominic as an Attribute of Collective Identity in Illustrated Family Trees of the Dominicans in the 15th Century]. In: Kultúrne dejiny / Cultural History, 11 (2020), Supplement, pp. 174-209.
Biblia u dominikánov v 13. storočí [Dominicans and the Bible in the 13th Century]. In: Studia Capuccinorum Boziniensia VII (2021), pp. 36-73.
John of Wildeshausen OP (†1252) – a bishop on the Hungarian periphery in the thirties of the 13th century in the light of contemporary Dominican and Church legislation, in Przegląd Historyczny 112 (2021), vol. 3, pp. 457- 492.
Žobravé rehole v stredoveku vo vedeckom diskurze na Slovensku po roku 1989 [Mendicant Orders in the Academic Discourse on Medieval Slovakia After 1989], in Historia Slavorum Occidentis 32/1 (2022), pp. 96-118.
Vybrané aspekty komunikačnej stratégie dominikánov na periférii latinského kresťanstva s prihliadnutím na Uhorské kráľovstvo v prvej polovici 13. storočia [Chosen Aspects of the Communication Strategy of the Dominicans on the Periphery of Latin Christianity with Reference to Kingdom of Hungary in the First Half of the 13th Century], in Konštantínove listy / Constantine’s Letters 16 (2023), vol. 2, pp. 45-67.