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Inventory of sources on the history of the Dominicans in German-speaking territories preserved in the General Archives of the Order of Preachers in Rome

Inventory of sources on the history of the Dominicans in German-speaking territories preserved in the General Archives of the Order of Preachers in Rome

Project description The current inventory of the General Archives of the Order of Preachers (AGOP) was printed in 2002; it is the fourth edition of the 1930 Catalogus generalis compiled by Brother Angelus Walz, OP. Of the 21 existing series in the Archives, only a few are described in more detail (cf. Augustin Laffay, PourRead more about Inventory of sources on the history of the Dominicans in German-speaking territories preserved in the General Archives of the Order of Preachers in Rome[…]

The Philosophical-Theological Training and Academic Activity of the Friars Preachers in Vienna in the 17th–18th Centuries

The Philosophical-Theological Training and Academic Activity of the Friars Preachers in Vienna in the 17th–18th Centuries

The institution for the training of the Friars Preachers in Vienna, which had existed as a studium generale since the middle of the 15th century, suffered a serious crisis during the Protestant Reformation. As part of the efforts to revive the organisation of studies in the Dominican Province of Teutonia, which had been growing sinceRead more about The Philosophical-Theological Training and Academic Activity of the Friars Preachers in Vienna in the 17th–18th Centuries[…]

The World in Black and White? Michael Browne OP as Master of the Order (1955-1962)

The World in Black and White? Michael Browne OP as Master of the Order (1955-1962)

In its 1971 obituary of Irish Dominican Cardinal Michael Browne, the New York Times characterized him as “Tradition’s voice at Vatican II.” Browne was considered a stern conservative by many of his contemporaries, but his work, as Hugh Fenning OP writes, “has yet to be evaluated by historians.” This work is currently being undertaken byRead more about The World in Black and White? Michael Browne OP as Master of the Order (1955-1962)[…]

The critical edition of the Legendarium of Petrus Calo

The critical edition of the Legendarium of Petrus Calo

The Legendarium of Petrus Calo († 1348) constituted, so to speak, the pinnacle of the hagiographic activity of the Order of Preachers intended for a wider audience than that of the Dominican friars. It is not by chance that using Calo’s Legendarium as basis, Petrus de Natalibus († 1406) compiled his own Catalogus Sanctorum, whichRead more about The critical edition of the Legendarium of Petrus Calo[…]

Vol. 32: Petri Ferrandi Legenda Sancti Dominici

Vol. 32: Petri Ferrandi Legenda Sancti Dominici

The critical edition of Petrus Ferrandi’s Legenda Sancti Dominici was published by the Dominican Historical Institute in the series Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum Historica. It is one of the four Dominican legends written in the 13th century. The editor of this important testimony of early Dominican hagiography and historiography is the internationally renowned Dominican historianRead more about Vol. 32: Petri Ferrandi Legenda Sancti Dominici[…]

Vol. 31: Johannes Meyer: Das Amptbuch

Vol. 31: Johannes Meyer: Das Amptbuch

Besides the critical edition of the Amptbuch (Book of Offices) composed by the German Dominican Reformer of the 15th century, Johannes Meyer, the editor offers an English translation of the work with explanatory footnotes. The publication also contains illustrations of previously unpublished historiated initials which are found in two of the six manuscripts in whichRead more about Vol. 31: Johannes Meyer: Das Amptbuch[…]

The Conference “Dominicans and Russia“: A Historical Journey from the Past to the Present

The Conference “Dominicans and Russia“: A Historical Journey from the Past to the Present

The Conference “Dominicans and Russia“: A Historical Journey from the Past to the Present The Russian Emperor Alexander I (1801-1825) assigned the friars of the Dominican Province of Lithuania to the pastoral care of the Church of St Catherine of Alexandria in Sankt Petersburg at the end of 1815. The following year, 1816, the firstRead more about The Conference “Dominicans and Russia“: A Historical Journey from the Past to the Present[…]

International Historical Conference on Bible Study and Preaching in the Dominican Order

International Historical Conference on Bible Study and Preaching in the Dominican Order

International Historical Conference on Bible Study and Preaching in the Dominican Order Bible Study and Preaching in the Dominican Order – History, Ideal, Practice (Bibelstudium und Predigt bei den Dominikanern – Geschichte, Ideal, Praxis) was the title of the Third Isnard Frank Colloquium which took place on 27-29 October 2016 in the venerable Dominican prioryRead more about International Historical Conference on Bible Study and Preaching in the Dominican Order[…]

Meeting of Dominican Students of History

Meeting of Dominican Students of History

Meeting of Dominican Students of History

The Historical Institute of the Order of Preachers recently held a meeting of Dominican history students which took place in the very hospitable atmosphere of the St. Thomas Aquinas Priory in Toulouse from the 14th to the 16th of September 2016. In organising this meeting, the Institute has taken up the former tradition from 1998–2006. Ten friars from eight provinces of the Order (Hispania, Toulouse, Colombia, Holy Rosary, Argentina, St. Joseph in the USA, Malta and Switzerland) who are historians-in-training or potential historians of the Order participated in the seminar. In light of the Jubilee year, Toulouse was chosen as a fitting location because of its role as the cradle of the Order.

Read more about Meeting of Dominican Students of History